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A class of children sitting in front of computer terminals.


The below links and downloads are resources that we have found to be valuable in word study and professional development. We're constantly adding to the list as we learn and discover. 

A black word board sits on a gray table with a lighter gray wall behind. The word board says in white letters, "Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations." Next to the word board is a small green plant in a terracotta pot.

The best dictionary of the history of English words on the 'net. Unlock the history of our words.

English-Latin, Latin-English dictionary. Find twin bases and study Latin roots.

Make matrices here. Don't forget to capitalize bases. 

Search for related words, suffixes, prefixes, letter patterns, etc.

Includes pronunciation, possible word choices, a corpus, and more right on the dictionary.

International Phonetic Association site that allows you to type the phonetic symbols.

Not sure where to start on your journey? Get a good explanation of Structured Word Inquiry here.

Use this pdf for links to more information on EF, SWI, Growth Mindset, and more.

It's the lynchpin of English spelling. What are its functions, and why is it silent?

This pdf contains the slides from the Grammar Foundations for Writing talk that Sara and Jen gave for the Science of Reading Facebook group. 

This Google Doc allows you to add words to each column of this helpful resource.

We have a store!

You know you want a Literacy Dr t-shirt. Or a bag. Or a mug. They're so you.

A blue hoodie that says "Stop the tips and tricks. Start the understanding." in black letters.
A canvas bag with the Literacy Dr logo.

Helping students achieve their literacy potential.

(410) 340-4695

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